Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Atahualpa and the Bible

  The questions, what really happened when Atahualpa was presented with the Bible by the Spanish and why do sources tell different versions of the story? In class we read through different sources to see what actually happened when Atahualpa saw the bible and many sources did not have the same info while some did have the same info.
         The answer to the question, what really happened when Atahualpa was presented with the Bible by the Spanish, is scattered throughout the things we read. One of the things we read said something completely different than the other two things that we read. It states "Atahualpa held the book to his ear and listened to it. When the book didn’t speak, he threw it on the ground". This came from a textbook passage which not everything from it is correct. The other documents said that he tried to open it then threw it down, they did not say that he put it up to his ear to try to listen to it. The sources tell different versions or the story because of different information they get. The textbook probably changed what it was actually supposed to say while the other documents told what actually happened.
         I have learned many important things about the importance of knowing the perspective and bias of each source in history. It all depends on who wrote them and when they were written. Like in the textbook passage,. That was made way way way after the thing with Atahualpa and the Bible ever happened. But with the other sources, they were made before the textbook passage and can be found more believable.